ES Holidays

BR Holidays

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I want to see komodo dragons, Krakatoa, and orangutans...all in Indonesia. Easiest/best/cheapest way?

- flying into Bali from Darwin, AUS
- plan to fly out of Indonesia to KL
- will be there in April 2010
- will have international backpacker card/membership
- prefer youth hostels

Answer :
Komodo dragons are from Komodo Island, Flores (some distance east of Bali), Krakatoa is located at the western tip of Java (west of Bali). Orangutan sanctuary would be found in Kalimantan (Borneo, north of Java). Unless you are willing to settle for zoo-kept animals, your journey will not be cheap nor easy.

I would suggest you skip the nature habitat of those animals and head for Bali for your usual fun there. After that, take a budget airline to Jakarta (stay for a few days there, quite a interesting city) and visit the Raguna Zoo (to satisfy your wish), then take a local inter-town bus to Merak to visit Krakatoa. Back to Jakarta the same way for flight out to KL.

Hope this help.

Answer :
Buy a copy of Lonely Planet Indonesia or South East Asia on a Shoe String Budget ( Lonely Planet) first and study it thoroughly , Then you can find the best deals ,plan your journey as per your your financial and time requirements as you plan to do a lot . It is also safer this way as it will guide you on how to stay safe and avoid getting conned !

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Your thoughts on how to go about things...?

so im a aussie and i went to bali about 3 months ago i met this lovely Balinese girl...
she worked at the hotel i was staying at , sense i have been back we have stayed in touch over facebook... im really starting to like her , she told me she is Hindu , and i don't believe in anything really ... but she said she can still do Christmas and stuff that i do..
if i ever got with her i wouldn't know how to go about sex because i know aids is more in Indonesia and stuff can you get aids from kissing someone ???

im not trying to jump in to bed with her its just stuff thats been on my mind while i have been getting to like her more and more..

thanks for your help

Answer :
You can't get Aids just by kissing. You have to have their blood, semen or vaginal fluid come in contact with your blood, in order to pick up virus from someone, so i can say that No, Kissing is Safe.

Answer :
Hey I'm an aussie to.
um....well if you think she has aids, ask her
and if you are considering a relationship maybe you should both get tested some STI's r very difficult 2 recognize.
If your having sex always use protection.
You cant get aids from kissing someone unless you both hav cuts in your mouth
AIDs and HIV is in the blood and body fluids like semen.
If you have more questions its worth talking to your doctor, just your local GP.

Answer :
G'day, im an aussie too. wat a weird coincidence.
i dont think you can get aids from kissing someone, i think its just transferred sexually and mixing blood (nice thought). if you did get with her, i think condoms protect u from aids but u should ask her if she has aids.
hope i helped mate.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My friends mr.otake formely work for orient watch in singapore in 1982/83 than he go back to jpn.i miz him?

my dearest friend mr.otake formely work for orient watch in singapore in 1982/83 than he go back to japan.i miz my dearest friend.he send me letters to indonesia/bali but than we stop our comunication.i hope mr.otake is well and remember his friend from bali.anybody have any clue please email me or to my face book mami chantiq

Answer :
My advice is not to create unhappiness after 26 years of no outcome. Never trouble troubles unless troubles trouble you up. Pick a new one on trial.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I have a girfriend in Jakarta Indonesia,we met online 2 years ago,i went to see her all of November,?

I hasd a slight heart attack the second week there and she tiook care of me she slepy on the floor at hospital.i had to come back home,she was crying and said she didnt want me to go.I arrived home on the 9th and we chatted every day on yahoo messenger,tues the 15 th we were talking about getting married there and honey moon in Bali.She told me she was going to her mothers brothers house abou 300 miles away by i called her up on tuesday night she said im feeling bad with flu
abot 5 minutes later she sent me a text saying honey i just want to say i love you.i havnt heard nothing from her up to now.What should i do its the 10th day without hearing nothing from her
im hoping and praying shes ok

i have tried to call her and text her but nothing back from her i dont know if she went with her mother to moms brothers daughter is calling the police over there,hoping they can help us

Answer :
I hope shes doing fine.
Its ok calm down and relax
wait for a few more days and if you still
dont hear from her,contact her family,relatives or friends
that are close to her for you to know what happened.

Answer :
GO! the woman of your dreams could be deathly sick! GO!! NLW! book a flight on the way to the airport. get 2 changes of clothes ur pasport and GO! then post on here how it goes..praying for you! GOOD LUCK!

Answer :
she's ok worry about yourself.
the ploy of foreign women--they compliment you, tell you they are in love right away, make you feel like their hero, make you feel she is different when in reality there are millions all the same.
maybe washes your feet or whatever to feed into your self esteem--
but in reality sh's a gold digger, who not only wants your money, your sex and your devotion but she aims to own your soul. to reduce you, she is playing games,
don't be another white fool. if she can't get you she still wants you to send her money.
eventually she'll have you making promises.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Hi, I am thinking of going to mainly Bali and Java during late winter or early Spring.?

Hi, I am thinking of going to Indonesia (mainly Bali and Java) during late winter or early Spring. My travel books indicate there is a lot more rain there before up until the end of April. Can anyone give me an idea of how bad the weather would be during the months of March, April and May there? If the rain is all at one quick time of day, then I suppose that would be fine and not a big problem. I don't want to go if it is wet all the time though.

Answer :
Considering the latest world issue of Climate Change, rainy season in the equator line area is somewhat unpredictable. However, mainly Indonesia indeed has rainy season between February to May. Worst time is usually in March. Heavy rain could go only for 3-4 hours long but creating traffic jam all over the capital city for a whole day. Usually there is a "pattern". For example, if today is raining at 6 a.m., then tomorrow's rain will not be far from 6 - 6.30 a.m., and so forth. So you could "predict" when should you go out from your shelter. Don't forget to bring your umbrella :)

Thank you for visiting Indonesia.

Answer :
In South East Asia, during the raining season does not mean that it will rain everyday and all day long. It is like you can expect rain more often than other months. You will still have sun shining. Sometimes it do rain cats and dogs, this can sometimes last for hours but not for days. Only once in a while u get rain then overcast then rain again, overcast, for a couple of days. Else people cannot dry their washings.

Answer :
That would be unpredictable, could be both

Monday, November 22, 2010

Where can i buy a fake chanel 2.55 bag in Bandung/Jakart Indonesia?

My friend recently visited Bali and said she could not find a fake chanel 2.55 bag anywhere, if you have any inside knowledge about where i can purchase a fake chanel 2.55 bag in Indonesia- particulalrly however, in Bandung or Jakarta- I would love to know!

Answer :
don't feel singled out, i give this response to everyone looking for knockoff designer goods... just save up your money so you can buy the real thing, hun. chances are, if you have a fake, people will notice and you'll just look pathetic (as do people carrying "coach" purses that have g's rather than c's.) it may leave a dent in your wallet, but REAL chanel is well worth it. hope i helped :)

Answer :
you can try to buy online,some shop like this:

Monday, November 15, 2010

How do you correctly label a picture from Singapore?

If you are labeling pictures by their locations--such as Bali, Indonesia or Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, how do you label one from Singapore? Singapore, Singapore? Just plain Singapore? Or what? Is it ever called Singapore City, Singapore?

Answer :
Officially, Singapore is the Republic of Singapore. The capital is Singapore City.

Yet, I have never heard anyone refer to Singapore in any way other than Singapore.

By the way, I have worked in Singapore for a week, which doesn't make me an expert; but, I have seen a lot of references to the place.

By the way, is a major Singapore newspaper. Look for similar situations in that paper.

Answer :
Singapore will suffice, but if you do know the district/location where the picture is taken then name the district like for example "Bedok, Singpore" or "Toa Payoh, Singapore." If you are a foreigner and want to be specific and you don't know the location, at least look-up for the street name or ask the locals for the name of the area. For example Orchard Rd, Singapore. Or it may be a name of a building as in Sultan Mosque, Singapore.

Answer :
Singapore is a city-state. Thus if desired to put it in the form of it would become Singapore, Singapore. Nonetheless, Singapore should be common enough such that, if a picture is labeled plainly "Singapore", it wouldn't be confusing to the audience.

Answer :
Unless you have really specific destinations you visited one the island I always just labeled mine as Singapore...I think it counts as the city and the country since its so small to begin with. I think as long as you know what your talking about you'll be fine. It is absolutely beautiful there (been twice and loved it).

Answer :
If you want to be completely accurate in your labeling, it’s officially the Republic of Singapore.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Does entry in the Philippines requires an Exit ticket?


I m in Bali and will fly into the Philippines next week; I know there is a visa on arrival but I wonder if the airline (Philippine Airlines) will require me to show, when I check in, a booked exit flight OUT of the Philippines in order for me to access on board;

When I flew INTO Indonesia from Singapore, the same airline asked me to provide a booking reservation OUT of Indonesia as a mandatory requirement for me to board INTO indonesia;

Please advice ;

thank you

Answer :
Unless you are a citizen , permanent resident or have a balikbayan stamp in your passport , you must have a return ticket

Answer :
You are allowed to stay up to 21 days without a visa but with a valid and current passport. You will be checked upon leaving the Philippines and if your stay exceeds 21 days, expect to pay a fairly stiff penalty.
I check in on my arrival back into the Phippines with my Filipino wife and am allowed to stay up to one year, then I must leave the country for a minimum of 3 days prior to returning to repeat the process.
They are fairly lenient but they adhere to their rules and regulations. 'If' you visit there without intending to stay longer than 21 days but later decide to do so; You can apply before the 21 days for an extended stay or for a visa.
I sincerely hope this helps you and have a wonderful visit to this country. I have thoroughly enjoyed my experiences there and definitely appreciate my wonderful,beautiful,loving wife from the Philippines!
Yes, You are required to have a R/T ticket on entering unless You have applied for the spouse extension and received it.

Answer :
It is required to have a return ticket and sufficient funds to support yourself when touring the Philippines. Most airlines have to check this before you board, as the airline is fined if they allow you to enter a country without these items, They might have to put you on the first flight back to your own country.
Sorry, buy a round trip ticket. Avoid the hassle.

Answer :
Yes. You must show either a R/T or futher on destination ticket. As you found out they check and if you don't have a further on destination you will not be issued a tourist visa.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Dealing with Terrorists through courts of law has worked in other nations , so why ?

are many citizens of the USA against putting terrorists on trial in the law courts ?

Great Britain, Spain, Australia and Indonesia are nations that have charged and placed on trial people involved in acts of terrorism and planning acts of terrorism.

Indonesia even executed the Bali bombers

I am curious as to why some people think the USA should do it any differently...

Additional Details

There is no difference with the terrorists in the UK, Indonesia, Spain and Germany ( as Ms Stevie kindly pointed out.. thank-you for that) and the AQ terrorists .. they are all linked...

the bali bombing targeted tourists from around the globe ( including US citizens) ...

Answer :
Germany as well.

Conservatives do not have faith in the Justice system or the rule of law. They also believe torture is good if we do it, bad if done to us. They do not walk the walk as far as the principles this country has led on for over two hundred years.

They constantly spew fallacies like..."this is a war...not a crime spree...." Fact is terrorism is not war when conducted in downtown London. London isn't a battlefield. They misstate the law by claiming terrorists are "enemy combatants". No, that would be the member of the armed forces from an enemy state. The proper term is "Unlawful Combatant."

Unlawful combatants can be found on "battlefields" where Taliban and Al Qaeda fight, but that is totally different and that refers to civilians who illegally take up armed-conflict against a sovereign state.

enemy combatant is a term used erroneously. It's UNLAWFUL combatant.

They can TD all day long, it doesn't change the truth that conservatives DO NOT understand what they talk about...they never let facts get in the way of a festival of ignorance.

Answer :
Al Qaeda and Taliban terrorists are neither U.S. citizens nor common criminals. They are enemy combatants. They are not entitled to rights under the U.S. Constitution.

The United States does not take someone off the battlefield of any war and let them lawyer up. If you don't kill them on the spot, you interrogate them and conduct trials before military tribunals.

I don't know of any country that takes enemy combatants and lets them lawyer up in civilian courts.

Answer :
We have always put terrorists on trial before, thats nothing new. However, those are terrorists that were captured within our borders. It makes no sense to treat enemy combatants as common criminals. Much less, after capturing them on a foreign battlefield, bring them here to stand trial. Clinton treated the terrorism problem as a crime problem instead of as a war problem, and the end result was that we got more terrorist attacks.

Ms. Stevie writes: "Conservatives do not have faith in the Justice system or the rule of law."

Faith in the rule of law, we do have. Faith in the Justice system, we dont. Too often we see criminals walk free due to some silly technicality. Or given light slap on the wrist sentences by soft on crime judges.

"They constantly spew fallacies like..."this is a war...not a crime spree....""

That is not a fallacy. This is a war.

"Fact is terrorism is not war when conducted in downtown London."

Lie. Its a war no matter where conducted. 9/11 was an act of war by someone who had declared war on the United States. Where did it happen? Downtown New York City. Washington DC, and some farmers field in Pennsylvania.

"London isn't a battlefield."

Try telling that to the terrorists.

"They misstate the law by claiming Terrorists are enemy combatants."

No, that is not a mistatement of law. You havent a clue as to what "law" you are refering to.

"No, that would be the member of the armed forces from an enemy state. Unlawful combatants can be found on "battlefields" where Taliban and Al Qaeda fight, but that is totally different and that refers to civilians."

False. You dont have to be a member of an armed force of an enemy state to be a "combatant".

Main Entry: com·bat·ant
Pronunciation: \kəm-ˈba-tənt also ˈkäm-bə-tənt\
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
: one that is engaged in or ready to engage in combat

A combatant is someone who takes a direct part in the hostilities of an armed conflict. If a combatant follows the law of war, then they are considered a privileged combatant, and upon capture they qualify as a prisoner of war under the Third Geneva Convention (GCIII). An unprivileged combatant is someone, such as a mercenary, who take a direct part in the hostilities but who upon capture does not qualify for prisoner of war status.[1]

Answer :
I'm not speaking for other countries that I don' live in, if that's how they want to conduct dealings with terrorists in civilian court, good for them.
But when you clearly do an act of war, the military should take over and interrogate to the fullest, bamboo under the finger nails for information. Whatever it takes to get intel. When you've gotten all you can.. Put the bullet to the brain.
That's justice for 9/11,fort hood, and every american soldier that died.

Answer :
The difference is that we are at war. And these people are Prisoner of War... If they were not prisoners of war then fine try them in the law courts. Like we did with the first bombers of the World Trade Center. The situation is different now.

Answer :
Why put New York City at further risk, especially at the cost of 100 million dollars, when there is no good reason for it ? Military tribunals are just as fair and just ! On top of that, 0bama has proven he has no interest in keeping Americans safe !

Answer :
Because we're brainwashed by the media and politicians to believe that we're a nation of laws that only apply to American citizens and not to anyone who commits a crime on our soil. Our Founders are once again turning in their graves.

Answer :
because americans consider jihad a war, but terrorist tactics are purely criminal. its not a battlefield, and they should be entitled to every legal right other criminals have

Answer :
Because other country dont give the criminal as many rights as the US does. and another aspect is some of those terrorists we are giving a platform, were captured on foreign soil during war. Big difference

Friday, October 22, 2010

How did Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confess to bombing buildings before they were built?

* The February 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City
* A failed "shoe bomber" operation
* The October 2002 attack in Kuwait
* The nightclub bombing in Bali, Indonesia
* A plan for a "second wave" of attacks on major U.S. landmarks after the 9/11 attacks, including the Library Tower in Los Angeles, the Sears Tower in Chicago, the Plaza Bank Building in Seattle and the Empire State Building in New York
* Plots to attack oil tankers and U.S. naval ships in the Straits of Hormuz, the Straits of Gibraltar and in Singapore
* A plan to blow up the Panama Canal
* Plans to assassinate Jimmy Carter
* A plot to blow up suspension bridges in New York City
* A plan to destroy the Sears Tower in Chicago with burning fuel trucks
* Plans to "destroy" Heathrow Airport, Canary Wharf and Big Ben in London
* A planned attack on "many" nightclubs in Thailand
* A plot targeting the New York Stock Exchange and other U.S. financial targets
* A plan to destroy buildings in Eilat, Israel
* Plans to destroy U.S. embassies in Indonesia, Australia and Japan in 2002.
* Plots to destroy Israeli embassies in India, Azerbaijan, the Philippines and Australia
* Surveying and financing an attack on an Israeli El-Al flight from Bangkok
* Sending several "mujahideen" into Israel to survey "strategic targets" with the intention of attacking them
* The November 2002 suicide bombing of a hotel in Mombasa, Kenya
* The failed attempt to shoot down an Israeli passenger jet leaving Mombasa airport in Kenya
* Plans to attack U.S. targets in South Korea
* Providing financial support for a plan to attack U.S., British and Jewish targets in Turkey
* Surveillance of U.S. nuclear power plants in order to attack them
* A plot to attack NATO's headquarters in Europe
* Planning and surveillance in a 1995 plan (the "Bojinka Operation") to bomb 12 American passenger jets
* The planned assassination attempt against then-U.S. President Bill Clinton during a mid-1990s trip to the Philippines.
* "Shared responsibility" for a plot to kill Pope John Paul II
* Plans to assassinate Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf
* An attempt to attack a U.S. oil company in Sumatra, Indonesia, "owned by the Jewish former [U.S.] Secretary of State Henry Kissinger"
* The beheading of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl

Answer :
there are 2 possible reasons:
He was tortured. During that people confess a lot of nonsense (flying on broomsticks for example)
He wanted to show off.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Should Neal Boortz put out a new version of 'No Muslim Outrage'?

You might remember his original one:

Muslim outrage huh. OK ... let's do a little historical review. Just some lowlights:

Muslims fly commercial airliners into buildings in New York City. No Muslim outrage.
Muslim officials block the exit where school girls are trying to escape a burning building because their faces were exposed. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims cut off the heads of three teenaged girls on their way to school in Indonesia. A Christian school. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims murder teachers trying to teach Muslim children in Iraq. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims murder over 80 tourists with car bombs outside cafes and hotels in Egypt. No Muslim outrage.
A Muslim attacks a missionary children's school in India. Kills six. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims slaughter hundreds of children and teachers in Beslan, Russia. Muslims shoot children in the back. No Muslim outrage.
Let's go way back. Muslims kidnap and kill athletes at the Munich Summer Olympics. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims fire rocket-propelled grenades into schools full of children in Israel. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims murder more than 50 commuters in attacks on London subways and busses. Over 700 are injured. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims massacre dozens of innocents at a Passover Seder. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims murder innocent vacationers in Bali. No Muslim outrage.
Muslim newspapers publish anti-Semitic cartoons. No Muslim outrage
Muslims are involved, on one side or the other, in almost every one of the 125+ shooting wars around the world. No Muslim outrage.
Muslims beat the charred bodies of Western civilians with their shoes, then hang them from a bridge. No Muslim outrage.
Newspapers in Denmark and Norway publish cartoons depicting Mohammed. Muslims are outraged.
Dead children. Dead tourists. Dead teachers. Dead doctors and nurses. Death, destruction and mayhem around the world at the hands of Muslims .. no Muslim outrage ... but publish a cartoon depicting Mohammed with a bomb in his turban and all hell breaks loose.

Come on, is this really about cartoons? They're rampaging and burning flags. They're looking for Europeans to kidnap. They're threatening innkeepers and generally raising holy Muslim hell not because of any outrage over a cartoon. They're outraged because it is part of the Islamic jihadist culture to be outraged. You don't really need a reason. You just need an excuse. Wandering around, destroying property, murdering children, firing guns into the air and feigning outrage over the slightest perceived insult is to a jihadist what tailgating is to a Steeler's fan.

I know and understand that these bloodthirsty murderers do not represent the majority of the world's Muslims. When, though, do they become outraged? When do they take to the streets to express their outrage at the radicals who are making their religion the object of worldwide hatred and ridicule? Islamic writer Salman Rushdie wrote of these silent Muslims in a New York Times article three years ago. "As their ancient, deeply civilized culture of love, art and philosophical reflection is hijacked by paranoiacs, racists, liars, male supremacists, tyrants, fanatics and violence junkies, why are they not screaming?"

Indeed. Why not?

Answer :
Profiling Muslims is nonsense, nonsense NOT to Profile.
Muslims where protesting at the arraignment for the panty bomber. Said the extremist are not what the faith is all about. Maybe they are starting to come forth to denounce the jihadist.
Remember it is an oppressed religion, many are just finding the freedom to come forward to denounce the jihadist.

God Bless America

Answer :
They managed to muster 3 muslims to protest in front of the liberal hero "the underwear bomber."
They were protesting that they do not condone islamic beliefs being misused in this manner.

Answer :
Can anyone explain WHY the United States is letting this happen on our own homeland in New York??
Even my own local representive of government can't explain this to me! Not even 0bama can explain it!

Seems to me, our Government is a failure to reconize something IS actually happening on US soil!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Read this news, entitled "national assets are sold on behalf of the investment"?

National assets are sold on behalf of the investment

3-disclosure of sales in the Mentawai islands is the top of the iceberg phenomenon. Since the cases one at a sales plan revealed islands of Indonesia. After the Mentawai, now an island in Sumenep, Madura, East Java, allegedly sold for Rp 3 billion.

-The island is offered by a local citizen to investors from Bali. Have some investors interested to invest their capital to build the island. These include investors from Canada who now lives in Bali, Zainal Saniya

-The plan, Zainal will develop the island as the location sitabok international tourism development of tourist attractions such as Bunaken sea reserved for tourists from countries Middle East

-Write down your criticism of the content of discourse, entitled 'national assets are sold on behalf of the investment' (minimal 4)
-Write down 5 information from the discourse

Answer :
Yes, many countries are now in debt beyond what they can pay. One way of raising money to pay down debts which will become more popular is selling assets. Hopefully this may not happen to UK as it still has a monarchy, for now. In a republic, all is eventually, including the government, owned privately.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Travel questions about Bali?

Hi. I plan to have a vacation in Bali in April. I have a couple of questions. I hope anyone with experience can help me.

1. Which area is good for peace, quiet and relaxation with a good, uncongested strip of beach with not too much partying?

2.What's a reasonably priced resort to stay in? Hopefully with direct access to the beach.

3.How much should I expect to spend per day on food, transportation, sight seeing, a few drinks (budget tours). No shopping.

4. Any norms or no nos I should know about especially when it comes to clothing and etiquette?

5. Can I fly directly to Denpasar from an international inbound destination or do I have to pass by Jakarta?

6. How do I book flights from Jakarta to Denpasar if I'm not based in Indonesia? Online right although I want to get the best rates possible. How much is the average? Do resorts arrange airport transfers?

7. Do I really need the VOA?

I know these are a lot, sorry :). Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer :
1. Area for peace, quiet and relaxation and beach are two different locations. Ubud, up in the mountains, would be good place for a quiet relaxation and meditation. Nusa Dua, a high end resort area, is much quiter than others and has a bunch of hotels with direct access to the beach. Laguna, Westin and Nusa Dua Beach Hotel share one section of a (kinda) private beach.
2. Depends on your budget, length of stay and if package is available for your country of residence. Some resorts have special price for travellers from certain regions.
3. Taxis aren't too expensive but if you use public transportation (didn't really see much though), it should be negligible. Another option is to rent a scooter or a bicycle.
4. Not much, experience for yourself
5. Depends on where you are located. Check with as many airlines and travel agents as you can.
6. You can book tickets online. Air Asia is one of the budget airlines operating in that region.

Answer :
Further to your question, i try to clarify as follows:
1. The best are for quite, peace, relaxation and un-congested strip of beach with no much of partying is Ubud and Candidasa. If you like stay away from beach, Ubud is suitable to stay but if you like the beach then Candidasa is perfect to stay.
2. you may check it out the price range hotels in both area above as follows:
- Ubud:…
- Candidasa:…

3. How much should you expect to spend per day on:
- Food: Starting from USD 40 net/person
- Transportation: starting from USD 50 net/car
- Sightseeing: starting from USD 35 net/person
- drinks: it is depend on drink you consume

4. In regard to the norm or etiquette of Bali, it better you check it out at:…

5. Yes, you can fly to Bali from International inbound due to Bali is completed by International Airport
6. You may check it out the domestic airline like Airasia, Mandala, Garuda and Lion Air. if you got the difficulty to book, may be you can tray to send the email to the local travel agency in Bali who sell the domestic flight at:

7. VOA, is depend on which passport citizen are you coming? so please have a look the citizen who get the VOA facilities and free visa at:…

hope it could help you

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dress code when visiting Indonesia.?

Any particular etiquette or appropriate attire? I am travelling to Java, Bali, Lombok and in mainly tourist areas, but not always.

Answer :
Just dress as normal tourist would wear.
Yup, in some area in Bali such as temples, u might need to wear some fabric (in case you wear shorts or mini skirt). Don't worry, they will provide it to you. Or just in case, bring or buy first some balinese sarong or fabric.
Would be appropriate if you only wear bikini top in the streets of bali and lombok or around beaches in java (or swimming pool You don't wanna wear bikini in say...forest or in the city center of java.. But anyway, if u still wear it..most likely people won't that care, you re the tourist.

Answer :
There is no particular attire that is required. however; much of your time will be spent visiting various temples and religious sites to see the dances, music and Monkeys. you should dress conservatively in these places and in some it is considered polite to cover the head. But just ask your guides or at your hotel and they will let you know what to wear so you won't be embarrassed. No bikini tops or short shorts at the temples.

Answer :
Shorts (because rainy season). half a leg (size) in Java and Lombok, 3/4 (size) shorts on Bali (entering religious places require the usage of a silk woven belt or selendang (mini skirt) to enter........)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

[Hindu] Question about Sivaratri day and Sarasvati day in India?

Namaste !!

Greeting from Bali Island. I'm a Hindu from Bali Island, Indonesia. Tomorrow [14 January 2010] we are Hindu in Indonesia will celebrate Sivaratri day [night of shiva]. And on 27 February 2010 we will celebrate Sarasvati day.

I want to know brother and sister.... in India, on what date Sivaratri day and Sarasvati day come on 2010 ?

In Indonesia, if Sivaratri day come, we will not sleep all night long and meditate [meditation] or pray [puja] to Shiva. On Sarasvati day we pray [puja] to Sarasvati and the jnana [knowledge] on holy book. One day after Sarasvati day is called banyu pinaruh, when all hindus do the holy bath [something similar like kumbh mela in India] in the holy springs or the beach.

How about in India ?

Thanks before for your answer my brother and sister in dharma...
Aum Shanti...

Answer :
Saraswati puja is on 20th January.

Shivaratri is on 12th Feb. in India.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

What fruit is this from Bali Indonesia?

I recently visited Bali in Indonesia where i stayed at the Hyatt Sanur and during breakfast i ate the fruit with had a yellow/orange shell and was easy to cut with a knife and inside was black seeds and a sort of clear gel and was extremly tasty i have searched all over the internet and cannot find what it is is called :)
please note: it was not a dragon fruit or papaya

Answer :
Its called Marquisa fruit…

Monday, August 30, 2010

Have you been to Indonesia or Bali before?

If you have been to Indonesia. What do you think about the country? The people? The woman? The man? The culture? The tourist area? The boombing?
Will you still willing to go to Ind after the boombing? Thx

Answer :
I went to bali after the bombings(a few years after I can't recall) Anyway its an amazing place with Beautiful people and it was an amazing experience.

Everything is cheap.
Everyone I ran into was nice.
You will always find a nice bargin because they need the tourism.

Monday, August 23, 2010

What do you think about Indonesia?

Have you been to Indonesia before? Bali, Jak or else?
What do you think about the people? The woman? The man? The culture? The foods? The tourist area? The boombing?
Will you still wiling to go to Ind after the boombing? Thx

Answer :
Indonesia is a huge country. Jakarta is an enormous polluted hell hole imo and should be avoided if possible. Bali is beautiful and the only hindu island. The rest of the country is muslim, but mostly very friendly and helpful. I would stay away from obvious tourist traps such as surfer bars (site of the Bali bombing) and drive only during the day. They drive like fiends and at night it is even more scary. Check the guide books for things to do and see there. It is very inexpensive mostly and many beautiful things to see.

Monday, August 16, 2010

WHAT AM I ?!?!??!?

im not black, and not white... im brown...
my mum is from sweden, she's what u call a white chick... or european..
and my father is from bali,indonesia.. my dads way darker then me... but again not black... so he's like the south east brown asian types....

what words would you use to describes my ethnicity?
*pls no racism... seriously... *

Additional Details

no i am not american... techically cuz i was born in sweden i am a citizen there... but i lived in bali for the first 15yrs of my life and been living in canberra, australia for the last 2...

Answer :
you are half swedish and half indonesian blood. where did your mother gave birth on you? if in sweden so you must be swedish but if you are born in indonesia so you are indonesian

Answer :
Is this a trick question ? If you are male , you should be a Man. If you are female , you should be a Woman. If this is a deeper question as what makes a person human , there is all kinds of Religious sources to answer that question. In the liberal USA , it is getting to the place , a person can be whatever they want to be . Good luck on deciding what you want to be.

Answer :
You are the future if we do not kill our selves off. You are a human that belongs to imaginary lines. You are colored out side the lines and that is fine the grouping is what is not fine. My brother is mixed as well and he thought he had to sell crack just to prove he was black. That is sick and wrong he went from state wrestling champ to crack dealing crip just because our society can't categorize him. He has moved past all that now by the way. Do not le that type of BS get in your head ***** category's you do not need one you are perfect.

Answer :
You're a blend of Swedish (European) and Indonesian (Southeast Asian) ancestry. It sounds like you look more like your father only lighter-skinned because of your mother's ancestry.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Why are caucasian so hot compared to asians?

I come from Indonesia ( the country of Bali) and the people are just , well ugly! Im going to need to marry now but i just cant really find an attractive girl! The result is i watch porn movies ( with american actresses), and im amazed by how beautiful, clean, pretty, shiny, and sexy they are, compared to asians. Americans have huge breasts even if they are not celebs, and they have those beauiful colored eyes and hair, and they barely have zits! Even the prettiest girl in my country, has some american or europe blood, which makes their skins white, sleek nose, pretty eyes, andmore sexy, but still maybe shes just the quality of the face of Paris Hilton ( minus the nice eyes and blonde hair) and the breasts of Charlize Theron. Migosh whats happening?

Answer :
paris hilton?ew btw I find dark eyes and hair with tan skin more attractive on white people eg

Answer :
blah blah blah. plus porn is fake. they use computers to make them look that perfect. even in regular movies. so sorry bust your bubble buddy. so get out of your house and start looking at real people and not fake people!

Answer :
Caucasians are fugly, mmmmmm Asians!! :P
lol we are all pretty in our own ways :)

Friday, July 30, 2010

How much should I pay for a taxi in Bali Indonesia from Denpasar airport to kuta which is about 7min or 3.4 km?

How much should I pay for a taxi in Bali Indonesia from Denpasar airport to Kuta which is about 7min or 3.4 km

Answer :
Standard taxi fee from the airport to Kuta is 45,000 Rp Legian 50,000 and Seminyak 60,000.
The taxi scene is weird there. As you exit the building there is a kiosk on the immediate right that you book your taxi with. Wandering out into the parking lot and through the airport gates will save you about half the fare. That being said. your first taxi is going to be the most expensive taxi that you take. Once situated you can move around in Bemos, or taxis for a lot less money and renting a motor bike is cheap and easy. Bemo drivers are notorious at overcharging tourists. The best way to do this is to watch what the locals pay and to have the correct change and just hand the driver the same amount. or... ask a local you trust what you should pay. just part of the game man. Have fun.
I do a Bali cheat sheet if you want some local info. its free of course and not a commercial thing. Just email me and I will send it along.

Have fun.

Answer :
You are going to pay more for this than anywhere else on Bali, mainly because the taxi drivers wait there alot of the day and theres alot of competition between them. I think i paid like 60,000R which is like 7USD

Answer :
IDR 50.000 equal USD 5-6 ..
dont make a bargaining,,just talk straight to the point where u want to go!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Besides Bali, what other places you've travelled in Indonesia?

And what do you think of them? Would you recommend to other travellers?

Answer :
I recommend u
this place is more quite than Bali, so u can enjoy honeymoon here where there no crowded like in Bali,,,visit SENGGIGI BEACH & GILI tooks 4-5 hours from Bali

2. Jakarta
d capital of Indonesia, its a big city, crowded, but unique, where d culture of BETAWI mixed with another culture that came from another people around Indonesia. a lotta shooping mall for shopaholic,
n theres another version of disneyland, called Dunia Fantasi n Ancol. Also visit Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, if u wanna know more about Indonesian culture.

3. Bandung
d province of West java Island, has a natural landscape, verry welcoming person, has a verry GREAT taste of culinaire n fashion. WELCOME TO PARIS VAN JAVA!

4. Yogyakarta
big city with so many students. Find one of d 7 woder's world, Borobudur Temple n Prambanan Temple. Also visit Malioboro, n Keraton, where javanese people has a verry unique culture. Dont forget to taste gudeg n bakpia, traditional food form Yogya.

Answer :
well let's see. i think bandung, tana toraja, bunaken (for diving), jakarta. Although Big cities like jakarta and bandung are not as popular as bali, teenagers here have a good appreciation on japanese culture. there are many "nihon no bunka" club in university or high school.
hope you enjoy your visit to Indonesia.

Answer :
Last summer, I traveled to Bali with my family. It is a picturesque place with lush greenery and coconut groves. Budget villas with all facilities are available here.

Friday, July 16, 2010

In Indonesia, Is Balikpapan the official name for bali? If no, add a link to Bali's official airport?

In Indonesia, Is Balikpapan the official name for bali? If no, add a link to Bali's official airport?

Answer :
Nope, it's an entirely different city in an entirely different island. This is the official link for Denpasar Bali Ngurah Rai airport.

Answer :
Balikpapan is the capital city of East Kalimantan or East Borneo province. Way far from Bali province. The capital city of Bali province is Denpasar, with official abbreviation of DPS. The airport name is (I Gusti) Ngurah Rai International Airport.

Friday, July 9, 2010

People with albinism in Indonesia and around the globe?

Hello guys, I am a person with albinism in Bali, Indonesia. I feel called to establish an NGO or support group for these people. does anyone know the statistics of people with albinism in Indonesia and around the world . your suggestions are much appreciated , thanks, hv a nice weekend

Answer :
Albinism and/or Vitiligo occur in humans at a rate of approximatley 1 time for every 17,000 births. Therefore a country like Indonesia with a population of 240,271,522 has about 14,100 persons affected.

Support groups and organizations are available to help people learn more about vitiligo, understand treatment options, and find support from other people with vitiligo.

Vitiligo Support International is the largest vitiligo organization in the world. The non-profit organization provides free access to online message boards, chat rooms, frequently asked questions, information and articles, as well as a patient-referred doctor search. The group advocates on behalf of patients, conducts patient conferences and has local support groups.

The National Vitiligo Foundation (NVF) is focused on supporting medical and basic science research directed towards finding a cure for vitiligo, building public awareness of this disease, and providing information and support. Recently, the NVF has partnered with Vitiligo Friends to begin creating a social network for patients, friends, and family.

The American Vitiligo Research Foundation Inc. (AVRF) is a non-profit, tax-exempt charity that aims to increase public awareness about vitiligo and to help those affected by vitiligo, focusing specifically on children and their families. It supports finding a cure through alternatives to animal research.

The Vitiligo Society The Vitiligo Society is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. It is the only organisation which offers support and understanding to people with vitiligo and their families in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. The Vitiligo Society strives to support people anywhere in the world who asks for help and provides reliable information to the general public and health professionals about vitiligo and available treatment for the condition.

The Swedish Vitiligo Association is a support oraganization for all countries in the Scandinavia.

The VitiligoTURK is the first and only vitiligo support organization in Turkish Republic.

The Turning White Foundation was founded by broadcaster Lee Thomas, who suffers from the disease, as a support group for other sufferers

Try running a search on each of the above organizations for more detailed information.

Also the four links below will have more.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

So what' the girly scene like in Bali, Indonesia?

Is it the same as Pataya or any other Thai city? Is it any different? Is it worth going? Where are most of the girls from? What are the prices? Can I find 'love' there?

No answers from girls please, unless of course you're into chicks!

Answer :
there are many houses but they are very circumspect. Its not even close to Thailand or Cambodia and not generally thought of as a place with a sex trade. On the other hand.. there are so many beautiful tourists there on a regular basis that its amazing. I was in town last year during april and had forgotton about it being spring break. The Scandanavian contingent was out in force. Blue eyed blonds in all sizes and shapes... partying their ***'s off. Made me wish that I was young again and not pushing 60-. lol so if you are just in to buying it and have only experienced Thailand... try out Phonm Phen.
Womanizing; Sharky’s (as the name suggests), Sophie’s, look out boys, BJ’s for just sitting at the bar.
Le Cyrcee, the secret place, a small place near the central market, great girls that display their wares.
Martini’s. The girls are like flies at a B.B.Q. They show current films in the plaza and serve good food. This is my over all choice for chasing the girls or in the case of Phonm Phen being chased by them!!.
So decide what you really want and get on with it. But Bali is more sport than business.

Answer :
Not personal experience, but report from friends.

Expensive, but girls can be yours if you can afford them. Guard your wallet, and be careful what you ingest, as some drugs may be cut with sleepy-drugs and you may find you have parted company with money and ID! Bad spot to be in where bribes are almost expected if the police are to take action.

And there is a certain amount of framing going on might wake up in jail.

The girls are I think more painted and artificial than they were in my day...more greasepaint than girl. Maybe you like this. Get your shots, all of them, before going, and take many precautions fully. Or you may find things catching up with you! Even after you get home.

Answer :
If you are mainly in to chicks? Then skip Bali and stick to Thailand. Been to Bali for couple of times, rarely see any happening girly scene. Cant even find any hot Balinese chicks (compare to thai). Bali is more to a very cultural place. Night scenes are mostly party and drinking, with a lot of other country hot chicks everywhere, but definitely not Balinese chicks.

Answer :
Bali/Indonesia is a religious country, so dont hope too much for some easy and cheapgirls....not necessarily unatractive...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How long would 6000 euro (8000 united states dollars) last YOU travelling southeast asia?

Im talking about travelling indonesia,malaysia,thailand,cambodia and vietnam (and maybe singapore not sure about the expense though) but not on too tight a budget and going solo if possible (or with a group or couple).
Going to the main places (i.e bali,jakarta,kuala lumpur,kho phangan samui,bkk,phuket,phnom penh,saigon and more)with a good bit partying and seeing some of the main attractions and flying the long journeys (bkk to bali via air asia).
Also staying in cheap (but nice) hotels and eating local (and the odd big mac haha) food.
Even if you budget yourself far less (to prolong your visit) or spend more than above would love to hear your answers.
p.s mine would be 2 months (including my return flight home) is this too little for too much in your opinion.??

Answer :
Four grand a month and you can live quite well. Figure 60 to 100 dollars a day. The place that will get you every time is the local bar. Stay away from western concerns. Street food is really good and really cheap in most of these countrys. Hotels for a single any where from as little as $5 dollars to $25 for most guest houses. Hotels and resorts are more expensive of course.
If you emial me I will send you a single persons insight to traveling alone to these countries. it will answer many of your questions and put you in the mood for Asia travel. No charge of course and its not commercial.

good luck

Answer :
Hi there,
I usually spend around $1500 aus per month while traveling south east asia and usually go for 4 months so i only spend $6000 aus while there although there have been times when ive blowen budget massivly spending around 3 days worth of money on one night of partying which always happens to me but then i spend the next couple of days just chillin out and watching time go by.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What can I buy with 8000 Indonesian Rupiahs?

My partner and I are planning to have a holiday in Bali, Indonesia. What can I get with 8000 rph? That's equivalent to roughly 1 aud. Please help.

Answer :
Hi Denisse, if you go alongside Kuta Beach, you will find some food stalls, your Rp. 8000 will buy you one lunch or one dinner, together with the locals, that's where the local buy their food. In the restaurant alongside the beach it will only get you one orange juice. Hope it helps.

Answer :
i would suggest you take a bit then $1 spending money...

8000 rupiah will get you next to nothing.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

If u have to choose..........?

Thailand (phuket,pattaya) , Indonesia (Bali island of God) or China (the great Wall), what it would be the best place for Vacation or Honeymoon to you???? ( give ur reason just a little)

Answer :
Definitely China. For a vacation, of course since there is a lot to see and plenty to do.
You can eat unique food, go to open air markets, do thai chi in a park with a group, or you could indulge yourself with a massage. There are plenty of reasons to go there.

Answer :
I've always wanted to visit the Great Wall so that would be an awesome vacation.


Sister in law is a mega-marathon runner and ran long parts of the wall.
Massage therapist also ran it.
Me- I'll stroll.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

If u have to choose..........??? for LGBT?

Thailand (phuket,pattaya) , Indonesia (Bali island of God) or China (the great Wall), what it would be the best place for Vacation or Honeymoon to you???? ( give ur reason just a little)

Answer :
Bali! Surfing! Grrrrrr! Go for it!

Answer :
BORA BORA - Tahiti! - vacation!
nothing beats the clear unpolluted ocean!

or Lizard Island - Cairns
been there, worked there, live there twice and would do it again
love the Great Barrier reef, good for snorkelling, diving and windsurfing!

Answer :
Thailand,hopefully next to the ocean, because China has too much pollution and it seems too crowded, and Indonesia just doesn't appeal to me.

Answer :
None of the above. My honeymoon will be in Ireland. Now I just have to find a gf that wants the same thing!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bali 9 question about australia! ~ s+e?

Do you think Australia should sacrifice part of its economy with indonesia if the bali nine are sentenced to death?

please help answer this!

Answer :
I know that Australia doesn't support the death penalty, but there is no way we should sacrifice anything at all for the sake of those criminals. Everyone in Australia knows that the death penalty applies to drug smuggling in Indonesia and the Bali 9 couldn't possibly be ignorant of that fact. They decided to take the chance of not being caught and it didn't pay off so if they have to pay the ultimate price, then so be it.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Do you support the death penalty?

The pros are: The punishment of death more often than not brings satisfaction to the families/loved ones of those who have been murdered. It insures those that are a danger to the public never get out of jail via some legal loophole to go on and kill again. If the death penalty acts as a deterrent to even one would-be homicide, it is all worth it (we can never know who many murders it deters, there are no statistics for that)

The cons: What if an innocent man is executed ? (this is more likely to happen in a undeveloped country in this day & age with DNA science and crime scene expertise the way it is in modern western countries) God said, "Thou shall not kill" would you like to be the one that flips the switch/presses the button? If not then how can it be right?

It is a great debate. Firstly I think if there is going to be capital punishment it can only be for Murder and murder with special circumstances (torture, muder of a minor, mass murder) Countries that execute for drugs should be ashamed of their primative dark ages legal system. To execute for anything other than the worst crime (to take a human life) is downright barbaric (Bali, Indonesia and most African/Middle-Eastern countries). If you oppose the death penalty put your self in the shoes of a grieving parent who has had their beautiful innocent child raped and murdered and thrown in a garbage bin. If you support the death penalty put your self in the shoes of an inmate who is wrongly sitting on death row for a crime he did not commit (truly innocent).

Please a penny for your thoughts!!

Answer :
To answer your question, yes I support the death penalty because some people that commit crimes that are heinous enough that they should be executed. However, your argument has many flaws.

First, the death penalty doesn't act as a deterrent. If it did, then nobody would commit crimes where the death penalty is an option. Secondly, there is no proof that families of murder victims find comfort or solace knowing that the offender that killed their loved one will be executed. Third, offenders convicted of murder or any other crime worthy of the death penalty can be sentenced to life without parole, which means they will never get out of prison.

Additionally, there is no proof to suggest that more technically advanced countries are more likely to execute innocent people. There are probably hundreds of offenders here in the U.S. that are innocent on death row.

Yes, the bible says: "Thou shalt not kill." However, Jesus also said "judge not lest thee be judged thy self, and "let he who is without sin cast the first stone. To counter your argument the bible also says an eye for an eye, which theoretically would justify the death penalty

Answer :
I know it has happened in the past but the chances of being sentenced the death penalty for something you absolutlety didnt do is small. I support the death penalty for people who murder or rape. I dont think I would have any problem being the one to carry out an execution. If only it wasnt so expensive to execute someone.

Answer :
I'd personally kill Osama bin Laden but I do not support the death penalty for anyone . . . unless someone like Hitler comes along or when Ahmadinejad nukes Israel then he'll deserve it.

Answer :
I'm against it and for some of the reasons you mentioned. The death penalty isn’t an effective way to prevent or reduce crime, it costs a whole lot more than life in prison, and worst of all, risks executions of innocent people.

The worst thing about it. Errors:
As of today, 139 wrongly convicted people who were sentenced to death have been exonerated. DNA, is rarely available in homicides and can’t guarantee we won’t execute innocent people. Obviously, if someone is convicted and later found innocent you can release him from prison, but not from the grave.

Crime reduction (deterrence):
The death penalty doesn't stop others from committing murder. Homicide rates are consistently higher in states and regions with the death penalty than in those without it. The most recent FBI data confirms this.

Keeping killers off the streets for good:
Life without parole, on the books in 49 states (all except Alaska), also prevents reoffending. It means what it says, and spending 23 of 24 hours a day locked in a tiny cell is no picnic. Two advantages:
-an innocent person serving life can be released from prison
-life without parole costs less than the death penalty

Costs, a surprise to many people:
The death penalty is much more expensive than life in prison. The high costs of the death penalty are for the complicated legal process, with the largest costs at the pre-trial and trial stages. The point is to avoid executing innocent people. There are tremendous expenses in a death penalty case whether or not the defendant is convicted, let alone sentenced to death.

Who gets it:
Contrary to popular belief, the death penalty isn't reserved for the worst crimes, but for defendants with the worst lawyers. It doesn't apply to people with money. When is the last time a wealthy person was on death row, let alone executed?

People assume that families of murder victims certainly want the death penalty imposed. It just isn't so. Some are against it on moral grounds. But even families who have supported the death penalty in principal have testified that the drawn-out death penalty process is painful for them and that life without parole is an appropriate alternative.

It comes down to whether we should keep a system for the sake of retribution or revenge even though it isn’t effective in reducing violent crime, costs much more than alternatives and, worst of all, can lead to the nightmare of executing someone for a crime he didn’t commit.

Answer :
I support it because then I don't have to pay for some *** to live out the rest of his life on my dime but they should bring back hangings as for putting myself in the shoes of the inmate, well I've had a good run, and murder isn't the worst crime, the worst crimes cause continued suffering to the victim such as rape, torture, hell they should probably have strung madoff up for the crap he pulled, now as for drugs the only way to fight that is by legalizing it then the need for dealers disappears. now it should be done in cases where there is no doubt that the person is guilty, but that's what I feel.

Answer :
I don't support the death penalty.

- There's no real proof that it's a deterrent. If it was a successful deterrent, people wouldn't sitll be out murdering people.

- Killing people to show that killing people is wrong doesn't make much sense. "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." "Do unto others as you would want done to you."

- No one has any right to take someones life, even if that person is a murderer. If you kill a murderer, you're a murderer too. It's never right to kill anybody, regardless of their crime.

- Innocent people may (and already have) died.

- It's cheaper to house a person for the rest of his/her life.

Answer :
I am definitely for the death penalty. Too many murderers have gotten out of jail to murder again, and without swift and sure punishment, potential murderers will act before thinking, and more people will be cruelly killed. IF there is some doubt, or extenuating circumstances, a life sentence can be imposed. However, many who escape the death penalty (and even get out of jail) do so on a technicality. Drug dealers, by the very nature of their business, kill people, albeit slowly, so the death penalty is not primative. Those countries are safer without drug users. The death penalty for stealing would be barbaric, but penning up a man for the rest of his life (under the 3 strikes and you are out law) because he stole something seems barbaric also. I think I would rather be executed than live in a cage for decades.

When God said "Thou shalt not kill" it was a person to person command. {There were also cities of refuge someone could flee to if they caused an accidental death, or justifiable homicide.} A nation has a right to protect its good citizens from criminals, including executing killers; and waging war in self defense. Murderers are a cancer in the body of society, and cancer must be cut out and destroyed.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hotel in Seminyak, Bali, Indonesia between 100 and 200 thousand Rp per nite?

could anyone recommend me a hotel in Seminyak, Bali, Indonesia between 100 and 200 thousand Rp per nite?

Answer :
As it was extremely hot in my home country I visited Bali with my family this summer .I stayed at a resort in Bali and they offered me all facilities including swimming pool and spa at a budget price. I really enjoyed at this resort at a very affordable price than my expectation.

Friday, April 30, 2010

What is the best place indonesia bali or thailand pkuket?

What is the best place indonesia bali or thailand pkuket?

Answer :
Bali of course.
More u can do and see there than in Phuket. Beach activity is just a small part of it. There r many things u have to experience by urself. Sacred ceremony and unique dances, different taste of food (my favorite is Bebe betutu, duck with spicy taste).
People there named Bali as the Island of Gods, and I know why, the island is just so awesome.
And of course, the people. Balinese is the friendliest people I ever know. They will help u even they do not know u.

Answer :
After having been to both places, I would overwhelming vote for Bali. Over the years, Thailand has become the Land of Scams instead of the Land of Smiles. Nowhere is it more evident than on Phuket.

I have quit going to Thailand for that reason. Unless they change their attitudes and behaviors, the Thais do not deserve to get tourists.

Answer :
Of my personal opinion Bali is the best place and I have visited here many a times.It has serene long beaches, greenery filled mountains and many other places to see.Moreover the resorts here offer all facilities including swimming pools and spa at an affordable price.Bali is a best place to visit at a low budget. If you plan for an economic tour then Bali is the right choice.

Friday, April 23, 2010

LOL! Two atheist dudes failed to take the bet to sleep overnite in a small hut near a graveyard?

We were in the mystic island, Bali Indonesia in 2003. They could stay overnite in a hut near that Kuta beach, but not the one near the graveyard! Atheists are funny & real jokers! LOL!!!!

Answer :
That's the funniest question I've ever heard!

Answer :
I've been to Bali -- nothing "mystic" about it.

And I don't suppose there could have been any other reasons (mosquitoes, no security, no comfortable sleeping gear, no food, etc.) that influenced their decision, could there?

Tell you what -- you fly me back to Bali, and I'll take your bet.


Answer :
Atheists lack belief in deities. Belief in anything else, such as things which go bump in the night, is up for grabs according to the predilections of each individual.

Answer :
I find this only chuckle-worthy.

How about this one?
A duck walks into a bar. He orders a beer. The bartender says, "That's $4." To this the duck replies, "Oh, just put it on my bill."
hahahaha gets me every time.

Answer :
i will take your bet.....when i was homeless years ago, i used to sleep in was the safest place to be...and there was nothing to be afraid of.....(except for other humans)

Answer :
You could make a positive difference if you chose to embrace your mature self instead of attacking atheists. They are people with feelings. Respect that.

Answer :
Maybe they didn't like the accomodations. I wouldn't give a rat's azz about a "graveyard" but if it doesn't have room service you can FORGET IT.

Friday, April 16, 2010

How much is it likely to cost to fly from Indonesia (Surabaya, or Bali) to Vietnam and Cambodia?

and who's the best company to fly with?
Planning to go around August,
Many thanks in advance...

Answer :
AirAsia is generally pretty cheap but there are a number of low-cost airlines operating in the region that you should also check as well (a list of budget airlines in Asia can be found here:…

It might be best to travel to a major tourist hub first (Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur) to go onward.

Answer :
I check two airlines, Air Asia and Malaysian Airlines. With Air Asia, either from Surabaya or Den Pasar you have to go to Kuala Lumpur first, it costs more or less US $ 30 one way, from KL to Phnom Penh, Cambodia US $ 36 one way, or from KL to Hanoi, Vietnam US $ 68 one way.

Malaysian Airlines from Den Pasar to KL to Phnom Penh will cost US $ 585 return ticket.
All prices excluding taxes, all quotes are for August 2010 prices.

Hope it helps.

Answer :
You can try AirAsia, they offer cheap airfares such as CheapOAir in Unites States. If you wanna check thier ticket price, simply do a research at

Just input your estimated date of flight, origin and destination. The result will show the flight time, flight number and ticket price for the next 15 days since the date you enter all in one single page. After that you can decide which plan you wanna take and go to airasia website to book a ticket with that information. If you unsatisfied with the ticket price, search again for another flight date. If you're lucky, you may even find some ticket price marked as 0.00 (FOR FREE).. GOOD LUCK

Friday, April 9, 2010

Why is there no ferry from Bali to Darwin ?

Everyone knows that flying damages the environment. Everyone knows Australia is wishing to rerduce the co2 produced and therefore why not do something positive.
A daily passenger ferry boat from Bali to Brisbane would save a lot of air travel and make visiting OZ much easier so it would be good for tourism.
So why no ferry boat from Bali to Darwin, it is such a small distance to Kupang and already there are ferry boats to the whole of Indonesia.
If anyone knows of a boat, please let me know, because I would like to return to OZ.
Travelling from UK but I no longer fly, because it is very damaging to the environment.
Thanks !

Answer :
Pretty much everything Ozmaniac said is correct, but Darwin isn't actually all that far away from other capital cities. The reason that many people don't get to Darwin even once in their lives is because of the amount of prejudice that Southerners have against it. And for the half of the year that the wet season takes up, it's not plagued by cyclones. The weather usually only gets really bad once or twice in the season, and it doesn't last. It's not like houses get ripped up daily.

Answer :
I've heard of a few boats but they get you to Christmas Island LOL..

I cannot see that boat route to be economically viable because most people still do choose to fly and the international flights will never stop whether you take up one seat on an airplane or not. ALL transport contributes to carbon emissions. Considering the amount of people a large airplain carries compared to all the people driving their cars with one person in i doubt the air traffic is so bad. You cannot make a difference by yourself, the governments have to make big changes in the infrastructure to move towards a low-carbon lifestyle, and they will have to in the next 30ish years. The main reason to cut down on carbon emissions is the current global warming, but the governments do have a few decades on them to make big changes and still avoid a disaster.

Answer :
What an utterly impractical suggestion!

Among many other negatives, it would be much too far. The distance by air between Bali and Brisbane is over 4500km. By sea, it would be at least 5500km and probably closer to 6000km. Bit far for a ferry don't you think? You would also be looking a a fare several times the cost of an airfare - how much demand do you imagine there would be at those prices?

If the ferry only went between Bali and Darwin, how do you imagine travellers would get to the east coast and rest of Australia which is where nearly all of them would would want to go? Most Australians never get to Darwin even once in their lives - it's simply too far from everywhere else and very difficult to get to by road.

A ferry would also have to navigate some of the most treacherous waters in the world (hint - Great Barrier Reef!) if it were to stay close to the coast. Otherwise, it would have to stay well out to sea i.e. different type of vessel required and much further to travel.

And do you have any idea how bad the weather is up there for 5 or 6 months of the year? In cyclone season, it would often be impossible to sail for a week or more at a time between November and April.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Why muslims do not accept constructive critisism?

Here are just some statistics on recent Muslim achievements and they "expect not criticism":

Muslims murdered some 3,000 innocent peoples in New York on September 11, 2001, and..... Expect no criticism!

Muslims murder 202 tourists in Bali, and........... Expect no criticism!

Muslims murder 333 school children and their teachers in Beslan, and.........Expect no criticism!

Muslims murder 292 innocents, mainly Kenyans and Tanzanians at two US Embassies, .......And expect no criticism!

Muslims murder 241 US and 58 French peacekeepers in Beirut, and..... Expect no criticism!

Muslims fire 4,000 Katyusha/Stinger rockets into Northern Israel killing over 50 innocent civilians, and............ Expect no criticism!

Muslims murder 52 commuters in London and 191 in Madrid, and..... Expect no criticism!

Muslims murder some 200 people in Mumbai, and......... Expect no criticism!

Muslims behead Western hostages in Iraq, Buddhist monks in Thailand and Christian schoolgirls in Indonesia, and............. Expect no Criticism!

Muslim genocide in Sudan has claimed over 3 million lives since mid-1980; they massacred nearly 500,000 in Darfur since 2004, and........... Expect no criticism!

Muslims regard Jews as 'sons of pigs and monkeys', and vow to nuke Israel out of existence, and.......... Expect no criticism!

Muslims force women to wear hideous conical sacks, stone to death for getting raped and for leaving their homes unescorted, engage in honor-killing of sisters and daughters for unapproved dating/marriages, and...... Expect no criticism!

Muslims danced in the streets and handed out sweets to their kids to celebrate the 9/11 atrocity, and......... Expect no Criticism!

Since 9/11, Muslims have killed over 26,000 and wounded over 150,000 in terrorist attacks worldwide, and............ Still Expect no Criticism!

Since 9/11 Muslims have committed terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Chad, Chechnya, Dagestan, Denmark, East Timor, Egypt, England, Eritrea, Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ingushetia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Jordan-Iraq, Kabardino-Balkans, Kenya, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Gaza-Palestinian Authority, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Somalia, Spain, Sri Lanka , Sudan , Syria , Tajikistan, Thailand , Tunisia , Turkey , United Arab Emirates, United Arab Republic , United States , Uzbekistan and Yemen, and............ STILL Expect No Criticism!

Muslims have carried out over 13,000 fatal terrorist atrocities and damages to public and private buildings/vehicles since 9/11, and countless millions since the Islamic conquest began from 623 AD; and still they Expect No Criticism!

But if the Pope dares to tell the truth about Islam's history, or a Danish Newspaper publish cartoons of Mohammed, they let the outpourings of Islamic rage, and.......... Expect no criticism!

And, by some twisted reach of logics, these arrogant vandals demand apology from the Pope, and.......... Expect no criticism!

Answer :
Where's the "constructive" criticism? All I see is a hateful rant.

Answer :
In your rant, replace the word 'Muslims' with 'humans' and it's all still true. Do you as a human deserved to be criticized for everything that other humans do? No.

If you want to criticize terrorist, criticize terrorist groups like Al Qaeda. There is no need to criticize a broader group, most of which are totally innocent.

Answer :
It is very difficult for sensitive people like muslims to accept criticism, since criticism leads to whining, and whining leads to random acts of violence. I only say this because of the behavior I have seen on a world wide scale on many occasions. Of course, not all muslims are this way, just a very large number of them.

Answer :
That's because the Muslims that will answer you had nothing to do with any of these things.

Would you like me to dress up a list of atrocities committed by Hindus against Muslims?
I won't. Because I don't think it's a constructive things to do, but it would look pretty much the same as your wall of one-sided propaganda.

No point at all.

Answer :
1. sudan wasnt just muslims, it was outright anarchy with janjaweed allowed to kill and rape as they will. christians joined into the party too so they arent exempt in sudan darfur.

2. crusades. inquisition. witch hunts. christianity has the high score to beat, islam is trying to keep up.

note that many muslims are not extremists or fundamentalists.

Answer :
Aside from your absurd slander of the religion of Islam, you do make one good point:

Fundamentalism of any kind is not open to criticism. That's the WHOLE IDEA of being a fundamentalist of any kind. You circle the wagons, hold your hands over your ears, and prepare yourself for aggression to and fro.

Answer :
I am not a muslim, but I will not agree with your assessment. Humans did all those things. Whether they did them in the name of religion is not a flaw of religion, but of people. But go be hateful. Do atheists expect no criticism for the government leaders who didn't believe in any God and did all kinds of government sponsored atrocities.

Answer :
The exact same reason Christians can't accept anything. Small minded people have a small world view and little intelligence. How can you expect those with little minds and little to no intelligence to comprehend criticism? And you arrogant uneducated ********, Christians are more narrow minded than anyone, more people have died in the name of jesus than for any other reason, ever.

Answer :
Your anger should be disarmed. People of all religions have used it as an excuse for violent ends, Christianity is no different; people of faith run the spectrum of both wonderful, selflesss acts and violent, despicable acts, Stop the hate, learn from others.

Answer :
What a rant! Just remember while you are pointing fingers at others someone else is pointing fingers at you. So look at your own **** before criticizing the **** of others. Good luck with that!

Just tell me where you are from and i can produce a list twice as big as this one.

Answer :
Well, take this as "constructive" criticism:
Christians "US army" killed more than 1,000,000 people in Iraq war.
Jews have been killing thousands of Palestinians since the big robbery in 1948. Oh, am I being antisemitic? sorry!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I'm going to indonesia in the summer, but how do i travel about in the country?

Me and my boyfriend in the summer plan to go to indonesia. We have a few places we defintly want to see, Bali, lake toba and krakatoa, but there all over the place. How do we travel from each place as I have no idea if they have bus travel or train travel seeing as there a developing country.

Answer :
If you're British, here is the Foreign Office Travel Advice to Indonesia: -… (Terrorism, Local travel, Local laws, Local customs, Culture, etc.)

If you are not, that will help you anyway.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Is Salvia legal in Indonesia particularly bali? and are there any legal herbs that get you high like weed?

i live in bali and i kind of have a problem. I love weed and salivia. well weed is definitely illegal ind you get put in jail for like 20 years if you get could with it but im not sure about Salvia. i also love the high of weed so could you please help me out.


Answer :
I would not touch any drugs. 20 years is a long time in jail. Please don't do it. Please be a good person and don't do it. thanks.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

How do I stream radio to my HTC HD2 phone?

I would like to stream these Shoutcast radio stations on my HTC HD2 for my wife who is from Indonesia. IMC Broadcasting and Radio Paradise Bali

I have Windows Media player and the Core player installed on my phone but can't see how to add them. I have and bookmarked but they are not on there. Any help would be appreciated!

If traveling from the US, do i need a visa? or is it highly recommended?

Hi, I'm planning on traveling from the United States to visit Bali, Indonesia. I've read that the US needs a Visa in order to visit, but I've also read that there's a new Visa on Arrival that can be issued for a price when entering at certain airports. Is the Visa on Arrival easy to obtain? I have more than 6 months left on my passport (much more).

Or would it be recommended to obtain a Visa before leaving the US? Also, how much would the Visa on Arrival cost?

thank you!

Answer :
National U.S.A. (US)

/Destination Indonesia (ID)

Indonesia (ID)

Passport required.
- Passport and/or passport replacing documents must be valid
at least 6 months after the date of entry.

Visa required.

Visa Issuance:
- On arrival: a 30 day visa can be obtained provided:
a. arriving at the airports of: Balikpapan (Seppinggan),
Denpasar Bali (Ngurah Rai), Jakarta (Halim Perdana Kusuma
and/or Soekarno-Hatta), Kupang (El Tari), Lombok
(Selaparang), Makassa (Hassanuddin), Manado (Samratulangi),
Medan (Polonia), Padang (Tabing), Palembang, Pekan Baru
(Simpangtiga), Solo (Adi Sumarno), Surabaya (Juanda) or
Yogyakarta (Adi Sucipto);

b. passports contain at least one unused visa page for the
visa-on-arrival sticker (covering entire passport page);

c. holding tickets and other documents for the return/onward

d. holding at least USD 1,000.-, or a valid credit card.
Fee: USD 25.-. One extension of a further 30 days is

Answer :
It is better obtain a Visa before leaving U.S. I visited Bali last moth and carried my valid passport and visa along with. Bali has many places to explore and has many entertainments such as camp fire,boat race etc.I stayed at which offered me a comfortable stay at budget price.

JP Holidays

AU Holidays