ES Holidays

BR Holidays

Monday, November 29, 2010

Hi, I am thinking of going to mainly Bali and Java during late winter or early Spring.?

Hi, I am thinking of going to Indonesia (mainly Bali and Java) during late winter or early Spring. My travel books indicate there is a lot more rain there before up until the end of April. Can anyone give me an idea of how bad the weather would be during the months of March, April and May there? If the rain is all at one quick time of day, then I suppose that would be fine and not a big problem. I don't want to go if it is wet all the time though.

Answer :
Considering the latest world issue of Climate Change, rainy season in the equator line area is somewhat unpredictable. However, mainly Indonesia indeed has rainy season between February to May. Worst time is usually in March. Heavy rain could go only for 3-4 hours long but creating traffic jam all over the capital city for a whole day. Usually there is a "pattern". For example, if today is raining at 6 a.m., then tomorrow's rain will not be far from 6 - 6.30 a.m., and so forth. So you could "predict" when should you go out from your shelter. Don't forget to bring your umbrella :)

Thank you for visiting Indonesia.

Answer :
In South East Asia, during the raining season does not mean that it will rain everyday and all day long. It is like you can expect rain more often than other months. You will still have sun shining. Sometimes it do rain cats and dogs, this can sometimes last for hours but not for days. Only once in a while u get rain then overcast then rain again, overcast, for a couple of days. Else people cannot dry their washings.

Answer :
That would be unpredictable, could be both

Monday, November 22, 2010

Where can i buy a fake chanel 2.55 bag in Bandung/Jakart Indonesia?

My friend recently visited Bali and said she could not find a fake chanel 2.55 bag anywhere, if you have any inside knowledge about where i can purchase a fake chanel 2.55 bag in Indonesia- particulalrly however, in Bandung or Jakarta- I would love to know!

Answer :
don't feel singled out, i give this response to everyone looking for knockoff designer goods... just save up your money so you can buy the real thing, hun. chances are, if you have a fake, people will notice and you'll just look pathetic (as do people carrying "coach" purses that have g's rather than c's.) it may leave a dent in your wallet, but REAL chanel is well worth it. hope i helped :)

Answer :
you can try to buy online,some shop like this:

Monday, November 15, 2010

How do you correctly label a picture from Singapore?

If you are labeling pictures by their locations--such as Bali, Indonesia or Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, how do you label one from Singapore? Singapore, Singapore? Just plain Singapore? Or what? Is it ever called Singapore City, Singapore?

Answer :
Officially, Singapore is the Republic of Singapore. The capital is Singapore City.

Yet, I have never heard anyone refer to Singapore in any way other than Singapore.

By the way, I have worked in Singapore for a week, which doesn't make me an expert; but, I have seen a lot of references to the place.

By the way, is a major Singapore newspaper. Look for similar situations in that paper.

Answer :
Singapore will suffice, but if you do know the district/location where the picture is taken then name the district like for example "Bedok, Singpore" or "Toa Payoh, Singapore." If you are a foreigner and want to be specific and you don't know the location, at least look-up for the street name or ask the locals for the name of the area. For example Orchard Rd, Singapore. Or it may be a name of a building as in Sultan Mosque, Singapore.

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Singapore is a city-state. Thus if desired to put it in the form of it would become Singapore, Singapore. Nonetheless, Singapore should be common enough such that, if a picture is labeled plainly "Singapore", it wouldn't be confusing to the audience.

Answer :
Unless you have really specific destinations you visited one the island I always just labeled mine as Singapore...I think it counts as the city and the country since its so small to begin with. I think as long as you know what your talking about you'll be fine. It is absolutely beautiful there (been twice and loved it).

Answer :
If you want to be completely accurate in your labeling, it’s officially the Republic of Singapore.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Does entry in the Philippines requires an Exit ticket?


I m in Bali and will fly into the Philippines next week; I know there is a visa on arrival but I wonder if the airline (Philippine Airlines) will require me to show, when I check in, a booked exit flight OUT of the Philippines in order for me to access on board;

When I flew INTO Indonesia from Singapore, the same airline asked me to provide a booking reservation OUT of Indonesia as a mandatory requirement for me to board INTO indonesia;

Please advice ;

thank you

Answer :
Unless you are a citizen , permanent resident or have a balikbayan stamp in your passport , you must have a return ticket

Answer :
You are allowed to stay up to 21 days without a visa but with a valid and current passport. You will be checked upon leaving the Philippines and if your stay exceeds 21 days, expect to pay a fairly stiff penalty.
I check in on my arrival back into the Phippines with my Filipino wife and am allowed to stay up to one year, then I must leave the country for a minimum of 3 days prior to returning to repeat the process.
They are fairly lenient but they adhere to their rules and regulations. 'If' you visit there without intending to stay longer than 21 days but later decide to do so; You can apply before the 21 days for an extended stay or for a visa.
I sincerely hope this helps you and have a wonderful visit to this country. I have thoroughly enjoyed my experiences there and definitely appreciate my wonderful,beautiful,loving wife from the Philippines!
Yes, You are required to have a R/T ticket on entering unless You have applied for the spouse extension and received it.

Answer :
It is required to have a return ticket and sufficient funds to support yourself when touring the Philippines. Most airlines have to check this before you board, as the airline is fined if they allow you to enter a country without these items, They might have to put you on the first flight back to your own country.
Sorry, buy a round trip ticket. Avoid the hassle.

Answer :
Yes. You must show either a R/T or futher on destination ticket. As you found out they check and if you don't have a further on destination you will not be issued a tourist visa.

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